There is no better time to be an Area Representative with ISE. The potential to change lives, make extra income, and earn a spot on this year’s Celebration of Success trip has never been greater! Here are 6 reasons to get started recruiting host families TODAY…
1. Better Odds for a Perfect Family Match
Do you know a family who would love to sharpen their Spanish skills with a student from Spain? Or perhaps you know the perfect host family for a student interested in baking…or baseball…or piano. Area Representatives can begin placing as soon as student applications are available, waiting will only reduce the pool of available students. The earlier you begin the process, the more likely you will be to make a highly compatible placement.
2. Closer Relationships from the Start
Earlier placements mean more time for the student to get to know their host family prior to their arrival. This reduces the “pre-arrival jitters” and allows both the student and their host family to make the necessary preparations so that everyone is comfortable and ready for a great program. It also gives host families the opportunity to get to know the student’s natural family and become better acquainted with their way of life.
3. Beat Those School Deadlines
Some schools have limited spaces available for exchange student enrollment, and often there are other organizations competing for those same spots. We made student applications available in October to give our field a head start, so don’t wait until spots are gone or schools close for recess to start recruiting host families!
4. Earn an Opportunity to Travel Abroad
What’s better than an international vacation to an exciting destination like Ireland, Argentina, Spain, or the UK? Getting to bring your friends and family along, too! The earlier you begin finding host families for your exchange students, the more opportunities you’ll have to earn spots for you and your loved ones on our Celebration of Success trip.
5. Take Advantage of ISE’s Early Placement Bonuses
Did you know that you can earn an extra bonus payment on top of your regular placement payment for every 5 students you place before April 15th? There is no limit to how many bonuses you can earn and it’s the most generous bonus offering all year. Don’t miss out!
6. A Smooth and Stress-Free Summer
We all want to make great placements and see our exchange students and host families happy. The longer a student waits to receive a host family, the more worried they become thinking no one wants to host them. The later a host family is approved, the less time they have to get to know their student and prepare beforehand. Last minute pressure can also distract from the rewarding nature of the Area Representative position. Don’t stress, start now!