About International Student Exchange (ISE)
International Student Exchange is proud to serve as a sponsor of J-1 secondary school exchange for international students. We are also a provider of cultural exchange programs for American high school students interested in living and studying abroad. Founded in 1982, our certified 501c3 non-profit organization has provided quality exchange programs for over 30,000 exchange students.
We are designated by the US Department of State to run our J-1 program for the purpose of cultural enrichment and public diplomacy. Also, we are fully-listed with CSIET (the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel.)
Our Mission
We believe that international exchange programs provide a distinct opportunity for personal growth and development. We strive to bring this experience to as many exchange students and host families as possible. Through our exchange programs, we endeavor to educate tomorrow’s leaders and enable them to become culturally-informed citizens of the world.
It is also our goal for the experience of exchange to bring the people of the world closer together . Also for the relationships created between exchange students, host families, and local communities to promote peaceful, cooperative international relations.

What We Do
International Student Exchange provides several services in order to facilitate our J-1 inbound program. The process begins with a careful screening of potential exchange student applicants. Next, we sponsor the J-1 visa for eligible high school students so that they may travel to the United States and participate in either a 5, 10 or 12-month exchange program. We also maintain a network of dedicated volunteer host families.
Those families allow us to secure a safe and welcoming placement for each incoming student. As our exchange program proceeds, we provide supervision and guidance to all program participants. Consistent reports are sent to the natural parents so that they may follow along with their progress.
We also provide study abroad programs for American high school students so that they can access the many benefits of an international exchange. To facilitate these programs, we work with our network of trusted international partner agencies to secure placement with a vetted host family and, depending on the program, arrange for school enrollment if necessary. With the goal of our outbound program for American students being cultural enrichment and the improvement of language skills, we also offer several options for additional excursions, camps, and workshops.
How We Operate
From our main office in Bay Shore, NY to our representative partners around the world, our dedicated team of passionate individuals strives to educate the leaders of tomorrow through the vehicle of high school cultural exchange. Through their efforts, we are able to connect thousands of exchange students and loving host families each year.
We take great pride in offering exemplary service to all of our program participants. Our team of dedicated student services members, local field staff, and management are integral to making this possible. Our student services team provides 24/7 support to exchange students, host families, and field staff. It ensures all program participants get the guidance and attention they need. We also offer greater involvement to cultural exchange advocates by means of our Area Representative position.
Our Area Representatives are the local face of our organization in the United States, and facilitate our programs from student arrival to departure at the community level.

We Are Proud Members Of...
These organizations stand for excellence, knowledge, standards, and tradition. We stand with you, and together we are creating a world in which opportunity and education are accessible to all!