
Navigating the Exchange Journey: Cultural Adjustment

Brazilian Exchange Student with Host Family in California

Hosting an exchange student is an incredible opportunity to share your world and learn from another culture. As your exchange student settles into life in America, understanding their journey through the stages of adjustment can help you provide the best support and make their experience as enriching as possible. Here’s a guide to the stages of cultural adjustment and how you can lovingly support your exchange student through each phase.

Honeymoon Phase

Initially, your exchange student will experience what is known as the “Honeymoon” phase. This period is marked by initial euphoria and excitement. Everything about their new surroundings will feel fresh and fascinating, from the sights and sounds to the delicious smells of new foods. They will be eager to explore and learn, like a curious traveler discovering a new land. During this time, they’ll be enthusiastic and motivated, thrilled by the novelty of their new environment. Their optimism and energy might make them seem like they can handle anything that comes their way. To support them, celebrate their curiosity and share the joy of discovering new things together. Encourage them to dive into local activities and traditions, helping them feel connected to their new home.

Culture Shock Phase

Somber Female High School Student

As the initial excitement wears off, your exchange student may enter the “Culture Shock” stage. This phase is characterized by irritation and hostility as they start to feel overwhelmed by the differences between their home culture and their new one. Small inconveniences can seem like major obstacles, and they might experience homesickness and frustration. At this stage, they may become frustrated with everyday challenges and start to feel homesick. They might seek comfort from others who share their background and feel critical of local customs. Offer empathy and reassurance that these feelings are a normal part of the adjustment process. Help them navigate cultural differences with patience and understanding, and encourage them to connect with new friends or groups.

Adjustment Phase

As your exchange student becomes more familiar with their new environment, they will enter the “Gradual Adjustment” stage, where humor and perspective come into play. They will start to adjust and appreciate certain aspects of the new culture, finding humor in the differences that once felt frustrating. They’ll begin to feel more comfortable and may even start to prefer some aspects of their new life. Although they’ll experience a mix of highs and lows, they will begin to see the humor in their situation. Encourage them to embrace their new experiences and be there to celebrate their progress. Help them find humor in the everyday moments and support their journey toward deeper understanding.

Feeling at Home Phase

In the final stage, “Feeling at Home,” the new culture will feel like a second home. Your exchange student will have integrated aspects of both their home and host cultures into their daily life, balancing the best of both worlds. They will feel settled and be able to live and work comfortably in their new environment, appreciating the new culture while still holding onto their own cultural identity. Celebrate their accomplishments and the milestones they reach in their adjustment. Encourage them to continue blending their experiences and finding joy in their bicultural life.

To provide comprehensive support, consider the following strategies:

For personal support, be patient and understanding as they navigate these stages. Help them find ways to manage stress and maintain a positive outlook, and remind them that making mistakes is part of the learning process. Foster their sense of humor and encourage them to keep an open mind.

For social support, connect them with program staff, local groups, and other exchange students to help them build a supportive network. Assist them in staying in touch with loved ones back home and encourage them to find new social circles. Support their efforts to get involved in local activities and make new friends.

For physical support, ensure they’re maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, rest, and exercise. Help them manage any health-related needs and ensure they have the supplies and medications they require.

By understanding these stages and providing thoughtful, warm support, you can help your exchange student navigate their experience with confidence and create lasting memories. Remember, their journey will be filled with growth and learning, and your support will be a key part of making their time in America truly special. Together, you’ll make their experience enriching for both them and your family.

We invite you to read more about hosting a foreign exchange student. If you have specific questions about hosting, check out our host family FAQ page. You can also read testimonials from our past and current host families. When you feel ready, complete our host family interest form and our area representative will get in touch with you.

You can also get involved by joining our team of Area Representatives! Help match host families and exchange students and bring the world closer together, while making a supplemental income.


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