Babylon, NY – December 5th, 2013 – International Student Exchange (ISE), announced that Chris Van Alstine, from Green Bay, WI, Won the ISE “Rep of the Year” award for her exceptional work. The announcement came at ISE’s recent annual international conference.
ISE, a student exchange organization, places over 2,800 international high school students each year around the US. ISE has many area representatives that help place these exchange students with loving and caring host families. These area reps also handle the relationships with the high school.
Chris won the award due to her outstanding contributions, dedication and excellence in working with ISE students.
“She consistently goes above and beyond the call to insure that the students, host families and schools receive extraordinary support during their high school exchange experience,” stated by her regional manager Calla Kuehl
Chris works with ISE students in the Northeast Wisconsin area.
Related: 4 Best Perks of Being an ISE Area Representative
We invite you to read more about what it is like to work with us. If you have specific questions about the area representative role, check out our Area Representative FAQ page.. Still on the fence? Complete our Area Representative interest form and one of our regional managers will get in touch with you to answer your questions and to help you get started.
In addition to working in the student exchange industry, we like to encourage everyone to explore the option of becoming a volunteer host family to host an exchange student.