What is it like to study abroad in Norway?
Hear all about the ISE exchange student experience from Kira, a U.S. student that recently participated in a school year cultural exchange in Norway.
Kira chose to study abroad in Norway this past year! Kira describes choosing Norway as her exchange destination as “one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! From the moment I set foot in this beautiful country, I was captivated by its majestic landscapes!”
Some of her favorite highlights included: driving through rolling hills (which left her awestruck), the connections she made, and the friendships she forged. Living with a Norwegian family provided her with such an authentic experience. “There’s a unique bond that develops when you share such transformative circumstances.” Spending quality time with her host family, and experiencing a new way of life was invaluable to her.
“ISE played a significant role in making my exchange year what it was. Placing me in a warm and loving host family — that was a perfect fit for me! Reflecting on my journey, I really wouldn’t change a thing.” She highly recommends choosing this breathtaking country with its rich history and vibrant culture. “Norway offers countless experiences that will leave you amazed!”
Studying abroad in Norway provides access to a wider range of courses, research facilities, and academic resources. It allows students to explore new areas of interest and pursue unique educational opportunities. Experiencing different cultures, traditions, and perspectives enriches one’s personal and cultural knowledge. It also fosters a sense of open-mindedness and appreciation for diversity. It’s important to note that individual experiences may vary, and the advantages of studying abroad can depend on factors such as the destination, the specific program, and the individual student’s mindset and goals.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.” – Mark Twain

Check out Kira’s YouTube video here!