What is it like to study abroad?
Hear all about the ISE exchange student experience from Easton. She is a student from Missouri participating in a 6-week cultural exchange in Milan, Italy.
Easton chose to study abroad in Italy for the summer! She describes her experience studying abroad. Some of her favorite highlights included: hiking in the alps, visiting the Mediterranean, meeting her host family’s relatives, and experiencing a new way of life. Easton encourages everyone to join the ISE family. Whether that be becoming a student, an area representative, or an exchange student!
When an exchange student comes to live with a host family, they become an integral part of that family’s daily life. Over time, they may begin to share meals, traditions, and experiences with their host family. They gradually become like a member of the family.
The process of becoming like family often starts with small gestures. Gestures such as greeting each other in the morning and evening or helping with household chores. As the exchange student spends more time with the host family, they may begin to open up about their personal life, their culture, and their experiences. This can help to build a deeper understanding and connection between the exchange student and their host family.
In addition to these everyday interactions, exchange students are invited to participate in family events and celebrations. Those events are birthdays, holidays, and vacations. These experiences can help to create memories. Also shared experiences that further strengthen the bond between the exchange student and their host family.
Ultimately, the relationship between an exchange student and their host family can be a truly special and meaningful one. While the exchange student may have initially come to the host family as a guest, over time they may come to feel like a member of the family. There’s a bond that extends far beyond the duration of their exchange program.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.” – Mark Twain
Check out Easton’s YouTube video by pressing the play button above!